
collabrative | Australian E-Learning Association

Has E-Learning been set back 30 years by both sides of Government and ASQA’s Failure to do their job?

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In a recent case pending for June 2016 approval the PM and the Minister for Education assistance was sought about the deficiencies in the case for endorsement presented by CPSISC for CPCCWHS1001 Prepare to work safely in the construction industry. The stats are simple. 95% of white cards are delivered in an E-Learning / Online format with the average course time being between 2.5 to 4 hours to complete. 90 % of the age grouping is between 15 and 25 years that actually complete the program Why would we force students who learn everything via a high tech environment suddenly back to a book / in class format that doesn’t recognise learning styles and the ability of the learner to work faster? The costs to industry will be more than 1 Billion Dollars if they make this change crippling all levels of industry form small to large with much higher costs. The project was supposed to be guided by a Project Reference Group to oversee the project and facilitate industry input.   These key Group Members listed below and the CPSISC Consultant drove the words “ Real Time”  to be inserted into to the final document “Not Approved by the Consultation Group” …

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Mobilising teaching and training in VET in Australia

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Mobile learning, or m-learning, is growing in Australia and holds enormous potential to transform the delivery of education and training. M-learning offers modern ways to support learning through mobile devices, such as handheld and tablet computers, MP3 players, smartphones and mobile phones. M-learning is personal, portable, collaborative, interactive, contextual and situated, and emphasises ‘just-in-time’ teaching and assessment. Groups like Urban-E-Learning is

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