The Australian Government remains committed to ensuring there is a national approach to online assessment, including a move to deliver the National Assessment Program (NAP) online. Online assessment offers significant benefits including the potential to provide a more accurate measurement of student achievement, increased accessibility, and faster results. It can also provide teachers with vital diagnostic information that they can use in the classroom. Some of these benefits are already starting to be realised through ‘Improve’ – an online assessment tool available to all Australian teachers. Work is underway to develop a new national assessment system to support the delivery of NAPLAN online, and potentially state and territory online assessments, as well as innovative classroom assessments. A comprehensive research programme is also being undertaken by the Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority (ACARA) to investigate student performance and measure impacts of delivering NAPLANonline. Education Services Australia (ESA) and ACARA are working with the Australian Government Department of Education to deliver this programme of work, in consultation with state and territory and non-government education authorities. Source:https://www.education.gov.au/online-assessments
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